Three out of four security execs believe they are invincible

OutThink Product Update

Pride cometh despite one in three targeted attacks resulting in a security breach.

Overconfident security execs may be putting their organisations at greater risk, according to new research.

A report by services firm Accenture has revealed that of the 2,000 enterprise security practitioners – representing companies with annual revenues of more than $1bn – three in four were confident in their ability to stop all crooks getting into their systems.

Titled Building Confidence: Facing the Cybersecurity Conundrum (PDF), the report revealed that more than half of security executives admit it can take months to detect sophisticated breaches, and a third of those successful breaches are never discovered at all.

The Anglosphere performs particularly poorly when it comes to detecting successful breaches, with 30 per cent of organisations in the US and 26 per cent in the UK taking a year or more to detect a successful attack.Rich text presentation here..


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