Gartner CISO guide OutThink security awareness training

OutThink is recognised by Gartner as a representative vendor innovating in the security awareness and human risk management space.

When a new person takes on the role of the CISO, all eyes are on them to see if they can move the needle to make the organization more secure.

Or, if they plan to take an aggressive stance that will slow down business projects. Gartner has a view on all of the above. Download this doc and have a read.

One of the key points Gartner specifies for weeks 11-14 is to measure progress. An often missed opportunity is for the CISO to use their security awareness training as a measurement tool.

Surveys are hard to run, but SAT is tolerated and even accepted by everyone in the company as a “necessary evil.” Using a telemetry-enabled SAT platform in the first 10 weeks provides the CISO with a baseline from which to show progress.

Find out more about OutThink’s industry-leading human risk metrics here.

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